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Interested in seeing PR 20/20 Marketing Analytics Reports in action?

PR 20/20 can generate a free Marketing Analytics Report using your own Google Analytics data. To get your free report, simply complete the following. 

Two Step Process

  1. Complete the short request form on this page. 
  2. Give PR 20/20 ( "Read & Analyze" access to your Google Analytics View. 

How To Give Google Analytics Access

This 30 second video will show you how to give "Read & Analyze" access in Google Analytics. 



If you'd prefer not to give PR 20/20 access yet, you can also download our generic sample report below here.  


Get a Free Report

About Marketing Analytics Report

PR 20/20 Marketing Analytics Reports are timely narratives that ask and answer important questions about your website, blog, and goal/lead performance using Google Analytics and/or HubSpot data.

Delivered monthly, our advanced text-based analysis explain what happened, why, and how it compares to a previous time frame. Reports give you the context to make smarter, more informed marketing decisions.